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    How to Showcase Your Value As An Executive Assistant | TROOP
    Travel • Troop News

    5 Ways to Showcase Your Value as an EA

    As an Executive Assistant (EA), you’re in one of the most commonly misunderstood roles in the corporate world. Plenty of people have heard of the EA role but they don’t know what you really do day-to-day. This can make it easy for your coll...

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    Travel • Troop News

    Maximize Your Efficiency: Leveraging AI and Automation as an Executive Assistant

    A few years ago, if you’re anything like us, artificial intelligence (AI) probably felt like a futuristic concept to you—something visible o...
    Travel • Troop News

    Behind the Scenes: Learnings from Planning TROOP’s 2024 All-Hands

    Takeaways for Meeting Planners on Handling Last-Minute Changes, Finding Reliable Partners, and More. Each year, our global, 100% remote team...
    Travel • Troop News

    Maximize Your Meetings: Creating a VIP Attendee Experience with Ease

    When we asked EAs and planners what their top priorities in meeting planning were, we were a little surprised to learn that providing a grea...
    Travel • Troop News

    Simple Meetings: Everything Planners Need to Know

    One trend that has gained significant traction in recent years is the rise of simple meetings. Contrary to the name, simple meetings can be ...