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    Admin Professional Events
    Travel • Troop News

    Fall Admin Professional Events You Don’t Want to Miss

    September is the perfect month to regroup. Summer is coming to an end, children are back in school, and businesses are gearing up for the final quarter of the year. Perhaps, as an executive assistant (EA) or administrative professional (AP)...

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    Distributed teams
    Travel • Troop News

    Everything That Goes Into Booking In-Person Meetings for Distributed Teams

    Organizing in-person meetings is something many people think anyone can do. But rarely do they truly know the detail that goes into it or do...
    How to Showcase Your Value As An Executive Assistant | TROOP
    Travel • Troop News

    5 Ways to Showcase Your Value as an EA

    As an Executive Assistant (EA), you’re in one of the most commonly misunderstood roles in the corporate world. Plenty of people have heard o...
    Travel • Troop News

    Maximize Your Meetings: Creating a VIP Attendee Experience with Ease

    When we asked EAs and planners what their top priorities in meeting planning were, we were a little surprised to learn that providing a grea...
    Travel • Troop News

    Simple Meetings: Everything Planners Need to Know

    One trend that has gained significant traction in recent years is the rise of simple meetings. Contrary to the name, simple meetings can be ...