New era for business travel

read time: 3 min

To think that business travel is going to reach precovid levels in a short period of time means not taking into account the current situation. New variants of COVID, lockdowns, border closures or more restrictive company’s policies make us and meeting planners think that it will still take a while (not too long, if all goes well).

And that does not mean that we are not going to travel, but that when we do, it will be in a more efficient and thoughtful way. Objectives such as saving time, money, safety or the environmental impact that our trips have will be looked at in more detail, and not only by the companies, but also by the employees themselves. In fact, as we’ve highlighted in previous articles, employees’ wellbeing has become one of the most important topics for the next year, as half (56%) of organisations intend to increase spending on both mental and physical health support. And that’s not all, as the impact that the carbon footprint has on the environment (much more after the recently held COP26) is also an important issue for the near future.

Time savings

Now more than ever it is necessary to find a way to save time when organizing meetings. Remote work has brought us tools such as Teams, Zoom or Webex, to name a few, and their implementation has proved that many of the meetings and business travel that were held in the past were not necessary. Or rather that they could be held online without problem. But it has also underscored the value of face-to-face meetings, which is undeniable in certain circumstances.

That is why we need a tool that provides us with data to be able to make quick decisions on business travel without having to waste days organising meetings, and here is where TROOP becomes the ‘must-have’ of meeting planners.

It is no longer necessary to go to several websites to compare trajectories, prices or availability; TROOP gathers all this information in one place, so that the decisions made are as efficient as possible.

Besides, the current pandemic situation makes organising a meeting a challenge, since the restrictions change almost day by day, so it is necessary to have the most up-to-date information. The meeting planners have to know if the teams can actually meet or enter different countries, and which is the best option for each case. There may also be situations where they have to opt for cluster meetings, which we already talked about, in which several teams meet in different countries and connect remotely for a group meeting.

All this and more is possible as long as there is visibility about the possibilities, and that is precisely what TROOP offers.

The real meaning of efficiency

Talking about efficiency is talking about knowledge and data in this case, and that is precisely what TROOP offers.

TROOP enables a scientific, algorithmic and data-driven approach to planning the most effective global meeting and events for your team, saving time and money while significantly reducing your carbon footprint.

Do you want to know more? Don’t hesitate and book a meeting with our team now!

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