A New Approach to Meeting Location Planning with TROOP

A New Approach to Event Location Planning with TROOP

A Global Business Saves Time, Cuts Costs, and Reduces CO₂ Emissions with TROOP


WTW, a global leader in the areas of people, risk and capital, was looking for a new way to approach location and venue planning for international in-person meetings.

A New Approach to Event Location Planning with TROOP (1)

The Challenge

Organizing numerous meetings internationally with an eye on sustainability was a top priority for WTW after their commitment to a net zero strategy. In a decentralized meeting planning model, team members were often planning meetings without much global support and with limited tools available to understand their environmental footprint. 

The TROOP Solution

WTW’s Travel Team sought a solution to improve data-driven decision making and improve the planning process. They wanted to facilitate better travel decisions by factoring in cost, CO₂ emissions, travel time, visa requirements, and local climate—without slowing down or stopping meeting travel altogether.

By adopting TROOP, WTW introduced a new approach to venue search and meeting location planning, leveraging data and analytics to identify efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally-friendly meeting destinations in a matter of minutes. 

This shift has not only streamlined their planning process but also significantly cut down on travel time and costs, while supporting the company’s sustainability goals.

The Results

WTW has seen significant savings post-implementation. On average they have achieved:

  • Cost Savings: $1.06 million
  • Environmental Impact:  400 tonnes of CO₂ emissions
  • Time Savings:  3700+ hours in employee travel

"TROOP has fundamentally changed how we approach meeting location planning. The platform's ability to provide comprehensive, real-time data has made it an indispensable tool for our team," said a WTW Travel Manager.


WTW’s use of TROOP has streamlined their meeting location planning process, resulting in significant time, cost, and carbon savings. The platform's comprehensive data helps users make informed decisions and supports WTW’s commitment to innovation and sustainability.

Experience the power of TROOP's data-driven solutions for yourself. Let’s meet!

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