Helping a global tobacco company identify the optimal destination

Helping a global tobacco company identify the optimal destination

TROOP helped a global tobacco and vaping company identify the destination with the lowest transportation costs for their global conference of 180 employees from 19 locations.

At a glance, they saved:

At a glance, they saved

The Challenge

The company was considering Barcelona for hosting its annual meeting. However, as recent clients of TROOP, the Global Travel Manager ran the meeting through our platform to ensure they were making a budget-friendly decision. They were presented with Athens as an alternative option with lower travel and accommodation costs.


The Results

Comparing the two destinations, they decided to move the conference to Athens, as it aligned with their objective to minimize company spending.

By spending a few minutes on TROOP before booking the meeting, the company saved 3.2 tonnes of CO2 and $127,409, including $46,696 in flight costs. Please take a look at the image below for more information.

The Results

TROOP's meeting planning software provides this data in minutes on all meetings big and small. Meaning our customers can always pick the best location for every meeting and never use more time, money, or carbon than they need to.


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